Walk With My Daughter

One of my favorite things that has happened since my daughter has hit the two year mark is the fact that “going for walks” no longer means me pushing or pulling her the whole way in some sort of wagon or stroller. We still do some of that, but now those little legs seem to move faster than mine. A walk is now an active adventure for both of us.

Part of the walk is me chasing her, part is her chasing me, but the best part is when we are both looking at something along the path.  Sometimes we stop to look at pebbles or trash and sometimes I have no idea what we are actually looking at but I love every minute. We stop to look at buckhorn, and violet. I know she is not old enough to remember which plants I call clover or chamomileoak or basswood, but I hope that at some point she will remember. I hope she is always excited to see tiny ants and pillbugs,  as she is to see a cardinal fly by.

I hope that curiosity never dies. I hope that we both enjoy our walks together for years to come. God only knows the future. Right now I will just enjoy every minute I have with her.

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