It is full Dragonfly season around our house. Today’s star was a Violet Dancer Damselfly (Argia fumipennis violacea). When my daughter saw the metallic purple damselfly, she pretended to “faint,” because he was so beautiful. He was very showy. Damselflies always seem showy.

I think it is easy to miss damselflies because they tend to be smaller than dragonflies. They also tend to move quickly. It is well worth the effort to look for them. Especially when you have something like this Violet Dancer. This guy was nice enough to keep coming back to let me get some good shots.
I have always loved looking at damselflies and dragonflies. So much so that when I was shopping for birding binoculars, I looked for a pair that would have a close focus under six feet so I could go bug watching too. Yet, it wasn’t until I had my kids that I really had people to go “bugging” with. I really don’t know if that is a phrase, but I honestly enjoy our Bug Safaris as much as the kids.