I have to admit, my journey has taken me through a little bit of snobbery and many different tea companies, some that didn’t hold up to the hype. It has also taken me back to some of the basic teas that I started with. Along this journey I have always had a warm place in my heart for Little Red Cup.
Recently I decided to go back and pick up a few of there teas. Of those teas that I have retried, I have to say their Green Eyebrow is the true stand out. Where many green teas are described as having a “grassy” flavor, I would say Green Eyebrow reminds me of fresh mown hay. I fear that some people will read that and turn up their noses, but if you have ever driven past a field where someone is baling hay you will understand what I mean by the comparison. There is an earthiness, and freshness to this tea that I find invigorating. It also has has that simultaneous complexity and simplicity that makes a good green tea great.
Maybe it is the fall weather here in Michigan, but lately this has been go to tea after work. If you have never tried this, or a similar tea I would highly recommend it to you.