Tag: Prayer

Finding the Lost Sheep

Lost Sheep

In both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus tells us a parable about the joy a shepherd would have in finding his one lost sheep. Many of us have our own lost sheep: loved ones who have left the…

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To Dust You Shall Return

Old Daisies

About three weeks ago, I lost my mother. She had diminishing health over the last few year, but it was still a surprise. No matter when or where it would have happened I know I would not have been ready. It is a major loss in my life.

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St. Charles de Foucauld

A few years ago, a friend told me about Charles de Foucauld. At that time he was considered “blessed” in the Catholic Church because of the life he lived and the fact that he was martyred for the faith.

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Prayer of Nicholas Black Elk

Nicholas Black Elk and Eagle Elk

Grandfather, Great Mysterious One,
You have been always
and before You nothing has been.

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Happy Mother’s Day

I would like to wish all of the Mother’s of the world, past, present and future, a Happy Mother’s Day. I will say a prayer for you tonight.

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