This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Traditionally, this would have been celebrated last Thursday (40 days after Easter), but in resent times the observants has been moved to the Sunday before Pentecost. The Ascension must have been a frightening time for those first followers of Christ. Just when they thought that they had Jesus back after he rose on Easter, he leaves them again. Now, seeing him rise on a cloud was probably not as traumatic as seeing him crucified on a cross, but none the less today’s reading leave him standing there staring up into the sky. Next week, we will hear that they spent the next ten days locked inside their house.
I only point this out because I know many of us have felt abandoned, or alone at times in our lives. Sometimes it can feel that things have never been as bad as they are today. Yet when you are standing there alone, or have gotten a medical diagnosis that you are afraid to tell your loved ones about, or look at a world that may seem to be falling apart, don’t forget that you are not the first to be left standing on the side of the road looking for Jesus. Just because you don’t see him, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care. Look for those people (or angels) that he sends to listen and assure you, and don’t be afraid to take a little time for yourself. Just don’t slip into despair, and know that you too will face your own Pentecost where the spirit will send you out to help others. I pray that you have a great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.