I love music. Listening to music and trying to play music. I say trying because I have never really mastered any instrument. Yet that has never stopped me from trying. While I love many conventional instruments, I have always had a soft spot for folk instruments. I have imagined myself playing the washboard.
This spring I finally got the nerve to tell my wife that I wanted to spend the money on a bunch of junk and put one together. Because she is a great wife, she gave me go ahead. So I found an old National Washboard Co. The Silver King board. I went with this board mainly because it had a Michigan connection with Saginaw being listed on the back side. Since the vintage board was rather dry, I treated it with linseed oil, and went shopping for parts.

After watching a lot of YouTube videos of people playing the washboard I figure out the set up I wanted to go with. I ended up with a hi-hat cymbal, a cowbell, and a woodblock. Things may be add down the road, but that was a good start. I also installed four Strap buttons instead of just two since I really don’t know what the best way to hold the board is yet. This gives me options.

I have a long way to go in really learning to play, but this was a fun project. The kids and I have loved playing with it so far. I do need to find thimbles that will fit their tiny fingers, or find something like a wooden spoon. Most importantly we just need to practice! And for those of you who might think washboard is just weird, here are a few videos that might change your mind: