I finished a second Ball Head War Club. This is also made of maple, but it is about 19″ long and has a 3″ ball on the end. This style is often listed as an Algonquian style, but I can not find a definitive source for clarification.
Now spring if firmly hear, we are all about getting the bikes out for a family ride. I am still sporting my 2007 Raleigh One Way Awhile it is not as sporty as it once was, I still love the fixed gear system for the stability. Especially now I have a little co-pilot.
This past January our family adopted two Flemish Giant Rabbits. While we have two old cats, these are the first “big” pets the kids have gotten. Since today was a nice day, we decided to take them outside for a little bunny run in the lawn. It is hard to tell, but they seemed to love being outside. Hopefully we will be able to take them out more often now the weather is nice.
Years ago I found a fun picture called Deus Ex Machina by the artist Susan Sturgill. Honestly, I know nothing about her other than she is from Columbus, OH. I love this picture. It has hung in at least three offices. It makes me smile every time I look at it hanging on my wall.
On today’s walk the kids found a Garter snake. First, I was proud of the kids for seeing it on their own. Second, I was proud that they kept their distance while looking at it, while not reacting with fear. It is nice to know that they actually listen. We got a great view of this cool reptile. After we gave it a little room, it went from the lawn to the woods. The kids really wanted to follow, but they restrained themselves.
This weekend’s Gospel (John 20:19-31) is full of many important events. We have the establishment of the Sacrament of Confession, we get the story of “doubting Thomas,” and we get John’s explanation about why he wrote his Gospel. Yet at the beginning of the Gospel, Jesus says, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” This is Jesus sending us, his Church, out into the world to both live out, and share, the Gospel message.
Here is a Ball Head War Club that I just finished. Made of hard maple. Why? Why not!
There is an old saying, “April showers, bring May flowers.” Often, the spring flowers don’t want to wait until May. Bloodroot, Spring beauty, Marsh marigold, bittercress and Skunk Cabbage are poking their heads through the soil. I hope Yellow trout lily, and White Trillium will not not be far behind. Most of these plants just peek out in ones and twos. They are more stunning because of their rarity.
This is a rosary I was proud to have made a few years back. It was for a raffle at our parishes celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I was happy that we used it just as a door prize so that everyone had a chance to win, and hopefully pray with it. I uses Cloisonne Beads, and an Our Lady of Guadalupe center piece.
I would like to wish each of you a Happy Easter! While Lent 2020 seemed to stretch all the way through Lent 2021, I hope this Easter is the turning point. I know the world can often seem overwhelming, but I hope that we can each find something that we can “rejoice and be glad” about in our lives. Maybe it is the fact that more people are getting vaccinated. Or the fact that it is getting warmer outside. Maybe there is something in your life that I could never guess, but I hope there is something. Easter is a season to rejoice! And don’t just stop rejoicing on Monday, remember that the Easter season runs all the way to Pentecost which is May 23rd this year.