Fox Squirrel

Eastern Fox Squirrel

I know Fox Squirrels are not everyone’s favorite thing to have around the house, but I love them. While we also have Red Squirrels and Gray Squirrels running around there is something special about the big lazy Fox Squirrel.

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Body and Blood of Christ

The real presence in the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

This weekend we celebrate The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. As outlined by our second reading (Heb 9:11-15), what we are celebrating is that fact that Jesus suffered and died on the Cross for our sins. God’s actions created a new covenant, where he, in the person of Jesus, became the last and greatest sacrifice.

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Birding around the House

Finding a nest on the ground is a great way for birding around the house

I love looking at birds, but sometimes it is hard to get away. So I often have to settle for a little birding around the house. Where ever we go, the kids and I keep our eyes out for birds. While on a family walk yesterday we found a nest that fell out of a tree. Then we saw a few duck fly into a little pond behind the neighborhood school. Then when we got home we checked out the birdfeeders. We saw all of the local suspects, but the male Ruby-throated hummingbird stole the show.

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Rabbit on the Run

Wild Rabbit Cover

On tonight’s walk we saw a few wild rabbits. Since we have two giant buns at home, the kids love to see wild rabbits on the run. It is hard to get close to them with the kids. They are not very sneaky.

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Playing the Washboard

Finished Washboard

I love music. Listening to music and trying to play music. I say trying because I have never really mastered any instrument. Yet that has never stopped me from trying. While I love many conventional instruments, I have always had a soft spot for folk instruments. I have imagined myself playing the washboard.

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Baptize the Faithful


In today’s Gospel (Mt 28:16-20), Jesus teaches the remaining 11 apostles how to baptize the faithful. He also tells them that they must continue their relationship with the newly baptized, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” It doesn’t matter if the newly baptized person is an adult or a baby, they need people to help them understand, and live out the Gospel message.

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New Tea

Girnar Kesari Brewed

For Christmas, a friend got me a bunch of new types of tea to try. My favorite was a box of Girnar Kesari Masala (Spice) Tea. While I like some Chia, the blend of ginger, pepper and Cardamom (heavy on the Cardamom) was really great. After buying a few boxes of tea bags, I decided to look for some of this tea in loose leaf. I got really excited when I found a bag online for a really good price.

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Pentecost is here!

Pentecost by Jean II Restout

Pentecost is here! We celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. These men and women had locked themselves inside since the Ascension of Jesus, but with the prompting of the Holy Spirit they burst out and start preforming miracles in the street. The early church goes from a few hidden followers of Christ, to a group of people spreading the good news around the world. Interestingly, Pentecost marks the end of the Easter Season, and the beginning of “Ordinary time.” This makes me wonder if the “ordinary” life of the people of the church should be walking through the streets working miracles?

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Boomerang Parenting

Boomerang Cover

Since yesterdays experiment with the throwing sling went so well, I thought I would try my hunting boomerangs with the kids today. These boomerangs are heavy, non-returning sticks designed by Ben over at Throwsticks. I have been using them since 2017 and really enjoy trying to see how far I can throw them. Normally I throw them and let the kids go pick them up. Today I let them try to throw them.

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Of Slings and Soccer

Soccer Net

On tonight’s walk we decided to play a little Canyon Ball. While this is a lot of fun for the kids, I decided to bring along something for my to play with too. I dug out on of my old slings. I started using a sling (think David and Goliath) back when I was sixteen. At one time I was actually very accurate with one. That was years ago, and I haven’t used one regularly for years.

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