This last week, we went on another Bug Safari. We saw a lot of insects, but some moved too fast for little watcher. Some were old friends. The top prize was, a female Elfin Skimmer who sat in the grass for at least five minutes. We didn’t know what she was at the time, other than a beautiful dragonfly.
Grandfather, Great Mysterious One,
You have been always
and before You nothing has been.
In this week’s second reading (2 Cor 12:7-10) St. Paul tells us that a “thorn in the flesh was given to me,… to keep me from being too elated.” Other translations say proud or conceited. No one knows what St….
Michigan is drownings in rain right now. Our lawn is green, and our mushrooms are large. It is hard to get out in nature for walks. So today I took the time to sit with the kids on the porch during a thunderstorm. I
In today’s Gospel (Mk 5:21-43) we hear about the wonderful miracle of saving Jairus’s daughter. What could be more wonderful than bringing a child back from death?
On this week’s Bug Safari we focused on Backyard Pollinators. I am glad to see the kids are becoming less afraid of “Bees.”
Spring is blooming all around us. As we have been walking around with the kids we like to teach them the names of some of the flowers we walk past. Somethings like Sweet Williams are really just common garden flowers, but they hold special childhood memories for me. They always make me think of my mom. We have some Common Sage that we planted last year as an annual, but wintered over and is a beautiful bush.
I know many people worry about loved one who have either fallen away from the church, or have never had a relationship with God. If you fall in this category, I hope you listen to this weekend’s Gospel (Mk 4:26-34). Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seeds in a field. Once this is done, it is the seed itself that does the work. Even in our age of science, it can seem like a mystery how a seed can fall in the earth, they grow into a full plant with its own seeds.
We decided to go on a bug safari today. I couldn’t get a picture of everything we say, but I did get a few.