Our Lady of Sorrows

Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows, commemorating the suffering of Mary, the mother of Jesus. While this is a long-standing devotion in the Roman Catholic Church, it only popped up on my radar while I was preparing for my marriage four years ago. Since our wedding was to take place at a beautiful church by the same name, I decided that I would look into the devotion.

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Home Altar – Starting at the Top

In a previous post I started to show our home altar. This is the place that we go when we want some alone time to pray, and where we take the family if we want to make the moment more holy. Is this a necessity? No, but as we make a conscious effort to more fully live our faith it is nice to have a special place to go to when you have the urge to pray.

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Backgammon – My True Love

One of the many things that attracted me to my wife is that she shares my love for games, particularly board games. We have been talking about writing some joint reviews about the games we love in the near future,…

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Home Altar – Intro

When we first bought our house a few years ago, one of the things I wanted to set up is a home altar. In my mind I was imagining something along the lines of the Gothic Revival piece below.

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Baby Drops the “N” Word

As parent’s, we knew it was coming. Sooner or later our beautiful little daughter would say that word that every parent dreads. One day she is all innocent and happy, and the next she is dropping the “N” word left and…

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My Drinking Problem

I feel it is time to admit I have a problem. I like to have a few drinks every night… well if I am being honest I start drinking before work, and only stop when I go to sleep. I am not really sure what the Surgeon General’s  recommended  consumption level is, but since I measure my intake in gallons instead of glasses or ounces, I am sure I am over the limit.

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Walk With My Daughter

One of my favorite things that has happened since my daughter has hit the two year mark is the fact that “going for walks” no longer means me pushing or pulling her the whole way in some sort of wagon…

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Reboot 3.0

If the previous two years look a little sparse, that is largely because I decided to take this blog in a different direction. So today I renamed it, and took down a number of posts that did not seem to make…

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Lean dog walks slowly by – Detroit Haiku

Lean dog walks slowly by Man kindly splits merger bread Acts un-shown in press This was something I actually watched. Or should I say I have watched it more than once, but this last time I thought of trying to…

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Sirens Wail – Detroit Haiku

Sirens wail on wind
Raccoon looks in warehouse door
Street life in Detroit

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