Lent – A Pilgrimage

Today is Ash Wednesday. I had a few too many Pączki yesterday (well purists would say what I had were just filled doughnuts, but they did their jobs), and today I am trying to remember that I need to fast and abstine in spite of the fact that it seems like everyone I know keeps trying to get me to eat copious amounts of beef jerky and fried chicken. I am also trying to nail down the exact details of my Lenten observances.

Like many trips I have been on, I am wondering why I didn’t do a little more prep work before I started out. I know that my goal is Easter Sunday, and that I have a 40 day trip ahead of me, but there are somethings that I have not shored up even though I have started walking down the path. I know I want to get back into the habit of reading the bible every day (something that I have stopped doing a few months ago), but I have not really figured out where I want to start, or how much I will read any day. I know I want to add a few more formal prayers to my daily routine, but I still have a few hours before I fall asleep, and need to figure out which ones will make the cut.

I think one of the reasons I have not over planned this Lenten Trip, is that as I grow older I have found that I am never good at planning “what I need” and I always seem to forget something I need, and carry a bunch of things I will never use. I hope this is not a cop-out, but I am trying to trust in divine providence and except that God will provide me with what I truly need this Lent. I pray that it is the Pilgrimage that I need, at this time in my life.

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