Finding the Lost Sheep

Lost Sheep

In both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus tells us a parable about the joy a shepherd would have in finding his one lost sheep. Many of us have our own lost sheep: loved ones who have left the practice of the Catholic faith or have never known the Catholic Church. Because we desire eternal salvation for those we love, this separation from God, his Holy Church, or the full practice of the Catholic faith can be a heavy burden on our souls. In these short prayers, we lift up our loved ones to the Lord and ask for the intercession of the angels and saints to guide these loved ones toward eternal salvation.

In a special way, we call on three saints to help us: St. Monica, who spent 17 years praying for the conversion of her son Augustine; St. Augustine, who not only converted to the faith, but became one of Christianity’s greatest thinkers and defenders; and finally St. Ambrose, a Bishop and great teacher who acted as an answer to Monica’s prayer and helped bring Augustine into the Church.

We ask that God help each of us to grow closer to him in our own conversions, to never lose faith in praying for our loved ones, and to be used as a means to bring all of the lost sheep to God and His Church.

Chaplet for Lost Sheep 

This devotion can be done by oneself or with a group. This chaplet is made of a crucifix, three sets of a large bead followed by three smaller beads (12 total), and a medal(s) of one or all three saints and the Good Shepherd.

  • On the Crucifix pray an Our Father
  • On the first large bead pray, “St. Monica, Pray for me and my loved ones, as well as all of God’s lost sheep.
  • On the three small beads pray, “Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us
  • On the second large bead pray,  “St. Augustine, Pray for me and my loved ones, as well as all of God’s lost sheep.
  • On the three small beads pray, “Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us
  • On the third large bead pray, “St. Ambrose, Pray for me and my loved ones, as well as all of God’s lost sheep.
  • On the three small beads pray, “Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us
  • On the medal pray the Prayer for Lost Sheep

Prayer for Lost Sheep

Oh, God of mercy and compassion, I ask that in your time, you lead my loved ones [you may name your loved ones here] to the full practice of the Catholic faith. It is my greatest desire that we will be together with you in heaven.

St Monica, I ask for your intercession to have the fortitude to never lose hope that God is listening to my prayers. May I never stop praying for the salvation of my loved ones.

St. Augustine, I ask for your intercession on my personal conversion, and conversion of all those I love. I pray that, like you, our souls will burn to know God.

St. Ambrose, I ask for your intercession in helping me find those the Holy Spirit is calling. Allow me to help them on their journey to know and love the one true God.

Lord God, who is The Good Shepherd; give me the ability to forgive myself and those I love, and to always trust in your Grace. Permit your angels and saints to guide all your sheep back to your fold. In your name do we pray, Amen.

These prayers and the chaplet prayer method are approved for publication by Rescript of the Very Rev. Jeffery Day, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Detroit, 3 Feb. 2025, and is a matter of purely private devotion.

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