We went on an adventure at Kensington Metropark this week. The kids wanted to go back to the farm to see how all the babies were growing. Not surprising, they were bigger. We had a lot of fun exploring, even just watching a duck taking a bath in a clean pool.
Seeing a duck in an artificial pond is not the same as seeing a wild bird, yet it is still beautiful. The joy in seeing a duck in a pond is special. The joy of doing what you were born to do. I didn’t need to tell my kids it was special. They were mesmerized.
They are still young, but they have a passion inside them. We don’t know what it is yet, but they have the thing that will make them like that duck in a bath. Some day’s they are wild. Some day’s they almost seem domesticated. Yet inside they have something that will make them their true self. I want to be part of helping them find that part of themselves.