This weekend we celebrate The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. As outlined by our second reading (Heb 9:11-15), what we are celebrating is that fact that Jesus suffered and died on the Cross for our sins. God’s actions created a new covenant, where he, in the person of Jesus, became the last and greatest sacrifice. We worship the resurrected, and “living God.” His actions, and love, give us our “eternal inheritance.” That is something that all of the previous sacrifices in the Old Testament covenants could not.
This is the sacrifice that we celebrate at every Mass. Theologically speaking, these are not new “sacrifices” each time. We are actually mystically participating in the “Great Sacrifice.” We are sharing in the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. I know I am not worthy of this sacrifice. Yet I am thankful that I can be part of it and that you are too. We have our inheritance in the body of Christ.