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Analog Life

Over the last few days I have read two great books by Jay Y. Kim. They were Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age and Analog Christian: Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age. A short summary of both is that “Church” and “Christianity” are inherently analog, and need to be lived person to person, and face to face. Digital/Online/Video/Podcast are all good tools, but we can’t get away from the fact that we are called to be a community. We are called to witness and support each other in our growth in our faith. You should get them in paperback (real analog) and give them a read.

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What to do with someone who is TOO friendly

As a parent, there are many lessons that I want to teach my children. Some are very important; don’t go with strangers, don’t run in the middle of the street, etc. Others are not life threatening but still important; brush your teeth, don’t pick your nose. Some, like what to do with someone who is TOO friendly, just pop up.

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Robin Family

This spring we had a pair of American Robins decide to build a nest above the light fixture on our garage. We can sit at our kitchen table and watch the Robin Family every night. My kids are very excited about this to say the least.

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Gilber the Rooster

One of our favorite family’s activities is to go to the farm at Kensington Metropark. Of all of the animals there, one of our favorites is “Gilbert” the Rooster. I don’t think the people at Kensington know that we named their rooster, but my guess is that none of the chickens have names. So, no harm, no fowl (wink, wink).

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Forgiveness and Freedom

This Holy Week I had a little shock. As I was walking across the church parking lot on Holy Thursday I heard my name being called. To my surprise, I saw the man who assaulted me

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Fight or Flight

A few months ago, I was verbally and physically assaulted at the church where I work. I don’t intend to hash out what happened, but I do want to talk about some of the emotional baggage that has stayed with…

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Dot-tailed whiteface … I think

dot tailed whiteface cover

My kids and I were looking for dragonflies around a river. I was looking over the water, when my father pointed out this little guy sitting on a garden hose.

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Blue dasher (Dragonfly)

Blue dasher cover

While the kids and I were out on a nature walk we found a Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis) flying around a river.

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Summer Melancholy

Lily Pad

It is the first week of August, so it is the time for summer melancholy. My wife is ready to go back to school as a teacher, and my children will be starting shortly after.

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Eastern Pondhawk on the Wing

We again found Eastern Pondhawks on the wing. For some reason we only got good photos of the green females again this year.

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